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In cooperation with the World Health Organization, you can follow Corona around the world via WhatsApp

Facebook, in cooperation with the World Health Organization, launched a new service on the WhatsApp application - which is used by more ...

Facebook, in cooperation with the World Health Organization, launched a new service on the WhatsApp application - which is used by more than two billion people - to update information about the emerging coronavirus, in an attempt to help users find accurate information about this virus.

The World Health Organization has allocated the number (+41798931892) to implement WhatsApp to educate citizens and guide them with the steps that must be taken when infection occurs and measures to prevent it.

The service works in the form of a "chat" directly between the user and the World Health Organization, which handles the immediate answer to a series of questions prepared in advance, which include - for example - the number of cases of the disease globally, and tips on how to protect yourself, as well as answering the frequent questions that you can trade Easily.

To activate the service, the user must first click on the following link on his device on which the WhatsApp service is installed:, after that a new chat screen will open on the WhatsApp application with the World Health Organization, as if Any user you contact, and here you can send the word (hi) to receive a welcome message from the health organization, with instructions on how to communicate and the type of services you provide.

The organization lists eight services that can inform you about it, and you can choose any of them by either sending the required service item number or sending the "emoji" expression to the right of the service.

For example, the first item says:

1- Latest numbers (emoji)

This means the latest statistics of the spread of the Coronavirus, and this information can be requested either by sending the number (1) or by sending the expression "emoji" shown in the message, and the response will come immediately.

The fourth item says, for example:

4- Mythbusters

By sending the number (4) or the expression "emoji" shown to the right of the word, you will immediately receive a message from the World Health Organization that includes an explanation of much false information spread about the Coronavirus, which is very useful and valuable information.

Among them, for example, that a hot bath does not prevent the Coronavirus, and hot air hand dryers are ineffective in killing the virus, and other valuable facts that WHO places in front of WhatsApp users.

According to Facebook-owned WhatsApp, the service, along with its benefit to ordinary users, can also help government decision-makers find the latest numbers and status reports.