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Skillet Potatoes and Green Beans

Potato salad is a staple at every BBQ or cookout so I thought this recipe would be perfect to share with you now that it is the season of ...

Potato salad is a staple at every BBQ or cookout so I thought this recipe would be perfect to share with you now that it is the season of grilling and outdoor eating. It pairs nicely with a classic American cheeseburger or chicken breast hot off of the grill and can be made in advance. I made this last weekend for our own BBQ so I doubled the recipe since we had a large group, but you can cut all of the ingredients in half if you are serving it as a side for your family dinner. The other nice thing about this potato salad is there is no mayonnaise which is great since it always makes me a little nervous when a mayonnaise based salad has been sitting out in the sun for a few hours.

2-3 pounds fresh green beans
1 large sweet onion, diced
4 large Yukon Gold potatoes (or any potato except Russet) 
4 cups chicken broth
3 tablespoons butter
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon pepper

Wash and trim beans and break them into 2-inch pieces; set aside.

In Large Bowl Add onion and green beans to oil and saute just until onion is tender and translucent. Remove skillet from heat and set aside. Once again, do not drain the fat.

In a large Dutch oven or pot, add chicken broth, butter, salt, pepper and stir. Cut potatoes into large cubes or chunks and add to the liquid. I use Yukon Gold but you can use any potato you like other than baking potatoes.  Russets get too mushy when you boil them.  

Add the green beans and onions, to the pot and bring to a full boil. Cover and reduce heat to medium and continue cooking until potatoes are fork tender…..about 30 minutes.  Don’t overcook or potatoes will get mushy. Serve in bowls