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Apple Launches Corona Scan Application And Website

Apple announced today, Friday, the launch of a new scan tool and a set of resources to help people stay informed and take appropriate st...

Apple announced today, Friday, the launch of a new scan tool and a set of resources to help people stay informed and take appropriate steps to protect their health during the spread of the COVID-19 virus, based on the latest guidance from the American Center for Disease Control.

The US tech giant said in a post that the new virus site, as well as the application available on the App Store, was created in partnership with the Center for Disease Control to facilitate access to information throughout the United States for people, and reliable advice, while the country feels a heavy burden. Due to an outbreak (Covid-19).

Covid-19 and its location allow users to answer a series of questions about risk factors, exposure and symptoms, for themselves or their loved ones. In return, they will receive recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention about the following steps, such as: guidance on social separation, self-isolation, and how to closely monitor symptoms, and whether or not it is advisable to take a test at this time, and when to contact a medical care provider.

Apple emphasized that the new screening tool was designed to be a resource for individuals, and does not replace healthcare provider instructions or local health authority guidelines. The company also indicated that the new tool comes as a complement to another feature it provided recently, and allows users to ask for help by asking Siri digital assistant.

In order to maintain the privacy of users, Apple said: The (Covid-19) application and its website are built to keep all users' private data safe and private, as it does not require users to log in using the Apple ID.

Apple said: It is possible for all users in the United States who are 18 years of age or older to download the app from the App Store, or go to the website: